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20 Sep 7 updates that make the iPhone 15 worth buying
webmaster 0 1129
7 updates that make the iPhone 15 worth buying  If you want the latest and most advanced technologies that Apple has up to now, the iPhone 15 is your choice. You’ll be pleased with Dynamic Island, an upgraded processor and an updated camera system th..
26 Sep Which iPhone 14 should I buy?
webmaster 0 2209
There are 4 iPhone 14 models, so while you have more choices, you may also be more confused as to which one is right for you.  In this guide, we’ll try to help you choose which one is best for your needs and your budget.Of course the iPhone 14 is the..
22 Sep What is the difference between iPhone 14 and iPhone 13?
webmaster 0 5331
Below are the differences that we have found between the iPhone 13 and the standard iPhone 14.  iPhone 14 is slightly more powerful than the iPhone 13.  Both the iPhone 14 and the iPhone 13 have an A15 Bionic chip; one of the best in smartphones, and..
02 Jun Building Bridges 2013 - Technical Care Center
admin 0 4079
The technical care center devises innovative methods to train staff to work collectively and find solutions to problems through communication and cooperationIn its efforts to provide the best service to its customers, The Technical Care Center has or..
29 Apr How to Choose Video Games for Your Children
admin 0 7670
A Parent’s Guide to Video Games By Technical Care CenterDid you know that the average age of a gamer today is actually 33? That's no typo. People of all ages are playing games, and so it stands to reason that, just like movies and TV shows, some game..
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